Editorial Late Spring 2011

Written by Cathryn

April - May! Sunshine, mist and thunderstorms and everything is growing fast, including the weeds. If you have started off any seeds have a look at what you should be getting on with in this article,Things to do on the plot in May. There are some good discussions on the forum. Here's some ideas for making raised beds , Planning your allotment, Raised beds and some lovely ideas on the forum for growing an edible scented sensory garden. It's aimed at toddlers but I would love such a garden myself.

So many people start on the slippery slope to small holding by keeping hens. It's highly addictive. You might start off with plans to keep two hens on an unused patch at the bottom of the garden; before you know you will be wondering where the next hen house can be squeezed in and what on earth to do with your egg mountain. How about cooking with them? Lemon curd is lovely, freezing them, sell them or best of all, hatching them. Expert advice is available here. Join in the incubator or broody debate. Should you buy one, make one or should you use a broody? You have been warned!