Editorial Spring 2011

Written by Cathryn

Such a remarkable few months, the attempts by North African countries to achieve democracy, almost overtaken by a natural disaster rapidly becoming a man made disaster developing in Japan. But what has this got to do with Downsizer? Perhaps this horrible tragedy will lead to a worldwide re-evaluation of how we create and use energy? It certainly triggers much debate on the forum. Downsizers don't opt out of life rather they opt in, they learn how and when to sow and then cook what they harvest, how to grow raw fleece into a beautiful garment and they are generous with their knowledge and their time.

Spring has finally sprung and suddenly there is any quantity of things to be done. Behemoth's articles on what to do on the plot in April might give you some inspiration on planting up for the growing season.

All this new daylight is showing up the dust and cobwebs, and it's time for a spring-clean - why not try making and using cleaning materials that are kinder to the environment? Before you clean, though, you might need to declutter and Wellington Womble's month-long Decluttering Challenge can help you along. Or there are at least a couple of threads with beeswax polish recipes. And as everyone knows, it is much more fun faffing about making polish than it is actually using it!